Just over a month ago, Westland hosted our bi-annual carnival in Huntington Beach, CA. Team Members and their families came from Los Angeles and Las Vegas to play games, win prizes, eat yummy food, and enjoy unlimited rides. Many stuck around to share the festivities with local law enforcement families who were welcomed as a way to show gratitude to the police for their tireless service.


More than 5000 law enforcement officers and their families were invited to the event, including members of the Los Angeles Police Department, The Los Angeles and Orange County Sheriff’s Departments, the California Highway Patrol, as well as police departments from Long Beach, Huntington Beach, and Westminster.

Westland has a long history of supporting law enforcement. Talking about his gratitude for the police, our founder Allen Alevy said, “There is a thin blue line between order and chaos, between life and death, between civilization and anarchy. We believe those who serve, who hold that line, deserve our undying respect and appreciation.”

Check out some of the great snaps from our carnival below. More photos are at our Facebook page HERE!